The LEMKEN OptiQuick adjustment system allows you to adjust your plough precisely to your individual operating conditions. Both the front furrow width and the tractor/plough traction line can additionally be adjusted optimally within a very short time. This not only minimises material wear and reduces fuel consumption, but also saves time and money.
Features may include:
PLOUGHING AT ANY WORKING WIDTH WITHOUT LATERAL FORCESThe precise plough adjustment is an important factor to minimise material wear and reduce fuel consumption. This is why LEMKEN has developed its unique Optiquick adjustment system.
Optiquick allows for easy and efficient adjustment of front furrow width, and tractor/plough pull line, independently of each other. Time and money are saved as a result.
The plough is perfectly adjusted if the tractor/plough pull line – in this case the line between Z and PZ – runs through the middle of the tractor’s rear axle M. Z is the point, where the imaginary extension lines of the lower links cross, PZ is the centre of the plough.
The unbeatable LEMKEN Optiquick adjustment system means the plough is easier than ever to pull. All bearings have wear-resistant bushes. Hardened bolts are greasable thus guaranteeing highest stability and long durability.